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The Renaissance Festival Podcast is now providing an Adult Only version to our show.

Bawdy: dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent.

Though this show is sexual in nature, we strive to keep it in good taste.

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May 15, 2017

All the Renfolk by Friar Finnegan from Please don't play this for your kids.

Otto by Chaste Treasure from Questionably Chaste

O!O by Craig of Farrington from Easy Being

Me Amazing Petting Zoo by Axel the Sot from The Trouble with an Orgy

Nelly the Mermaid by Poxy Boggards from Anchor Management

Big Little Problem by Bell Book and Canto from Poor Life Choices

Bocca Musica - "Greek sailor blues" by Bocca Musica from The Lusty Wench

Clean Song by Gallamor the Bard from Drive by Barding

Naughty nymphs-"cuckoos N'est" by Naught Nymphs from Cuckoo's Nest

Cramp by Friar Finnegan from Please don't play this for your kids.


Host:  Friar Finnegan


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